[info] Starting Island, This is where your adventure begins. Find the piers to Big Land And Secret Island here. After Completing Mad Island, you will find the boat to Troy Island here.
[Quests] Quest line:[]
Beginning of the road[]
- Cut down such bushes completely. (3)
- Find treasures and open them. (2)
completion reward: 5000coins - 2 zombucks - 15 axes
The Trails[]
- Cut down any palm trees completely (1) skip for 1
completion reward: 10 ropes - 15 axes - 15 pickaxes
The findings[]
- Find treasures and open them. (2) skip for 2
- Get some white marble for construction. (6) skip for 3
completion reward: 35 machetes - 5000 coins - 25 fertilizer
- Harvest clover (6) skip for 1
- plow garden beds after you've harvested the crops. (6) not skipable
completion reward: 25 machete - 10 axe - 10 pickaxe
- Finish the first stage of the gatehouse.
- Collect tool in a water well to clear the way.
completion reward: 3 Zombucks - 15 Axes - 15 Pickaxes
The profit[]
- Finish building the gatehouse. not skipable
- make boards in the gatehouse (1) skip for 1
completion reward: 5000coins - 25 machete - 1 Zombuck
Big land[]
- Find the pier, Build it, and reach the big land.
completion reward: 5 zombuck 50000 coins 1x brains (2 brains for 24hr)
- get some bamboo for building. (15) skip for 3
- Plant Hypnosunflowers and wait for the harvest. (10) skip for 1
completion reward: 15 machete - 1 zombuck - 15 pickaxe
- Cut down bushes and stones completely. (15) skip for 3
- Get some garden beds for new crops. (10) skip for 1
completion reward: 1 zombuck - 35 axes - 5000 coins
- Get white marble for construction (10) skip for 3
- Get black marble for construction (10) skip for 3
- Get some cones: you'll need them for construction. (12) Skip for 3
completion reward: 1 zombuck - 15 axes - 15 pickaxes
The meeting[]
- Exchange a very scary set to get a reward. (3) skip for 3
- Exchange a sea set. (3) skip for 3
- Exchange a flower set. (3) skip for 3
Completion reward: 1 silver - 30 fertilizer - 1 zombuck
The Shelter[]
- Go back to the big land to get more materials. not skipable
- Make nails in the lighthouse: they'll come in handy. (10) skip for 3
- make a bucket in the snowman. (1) skip for 2
completion reward: 30 shovel - 1 Scroll - 3 glass
Helping the hermits[]
- Get back to the love island. not skipable
- Repair all crypts for the zombie hermits on the love island. not skipable
- Repair house of love. not skipable
Completion reward: 5 zombuck
- Give chilli peppers away from storage. not skipable
- Give hot sundew away from storage. Not skipable
- Give Tiles away from storage. Not skipable
Completion reward: 500 XP
The talk results[]
- collect and exchange any set. (3) skip for 3
- Find metal or gears in fortune chests. (5) skip for 5
- buy a gazebo at the market. (1) skip for 3
completion reward: 25 fertilizer - 10000 coins - 25 gears
The outer world[]
- Harvest sundew (25) skip for 3
- plant boneberries. (25) skip for 3
- Fertilize the garden beds to get more resources. (25) skip for 3
completion rewards: 5 glass - 10 oil - 1 zombuck
The old traditions[]
- Give boneberry away from storage. (25) not skipable
- Give T-bone berry away from storage (6) not skipable
- give fire away from storage (10) not skipable
completion reward: 30 metal - 150 XP - 3 pillow
The finding[]
- Plow garden beds after you've harvested the crops. (25) skip for 5
- Plant hypnosunflowers and wait for the harvest. (25) skip for 5
- Sell rye from storage. (20) skip for 5
Completion reward: cupid
The building[]
- Take the cupid base from storage. not skipable
- Finish building the cupid. not skipable
Completion reward 1x brains (2 brains for 24hr)
To be continued[]
- Get back to the big land. not skipable
- Sell unnecessary recipes from storage (10) skip for 5
- Sell unnecessary harvest from your storage. (50) not skipable
completion reward: 500 XP - 50 Shovel - 50000 coins
- Harvest poppy. (150) skip for 5
- Apply instant fertilizers on plants. (20) not skipable
completion reward: 15 machete - 15 axe - 15 pickaxe
Water Wells[]
- Build at least one water well.
- Collect tools in a water well to clear the way (6) skip for 3
completion reward: 25 machete - 25 axe - 25 pickaxe
- Harvest necropumpkin. (250) skip for 10
- Buy bushes in the decoration section of the market to make a green hedge. (5) skip for 5
Completion reward: 20 machete - 20 axe - 20 pickaxe
The return[]
- Harvest boneberry. (250) skip for 10
- Harvest corn. (250) skip for 10
completion reward 5 zombucks - 60 pickaxe - 50 fertilizers
Gatehouse 3 stages
Stage1 : 5 Palm logs 10 Green marble 3 Ropes
Stage2 : 10 palm logs 5 clover 10 white marble
Stage3 : 15 Cone 5 Black marble 12 clover
1 Palm logs + 1 White marble = 1 Board
5 Cone + 5 Black marble = 1 Amethyst
Faith Crypt 3 stages
Stage1 : 35 palm logs 45 black marble 25 bat
Stage2 : 25 cone 20 nail 15 super-flower
Stage3 : 10 rubber 20 cable 30 bat
Prizes: 1x teddy, medaillion gear metal arrow candle camomile --- Prize interval 1hr
3 aquamarine + 3 cone = 1 poison
Hope crypt 3 stages
Stage1 : 25 palm logs 35 white marble 3 poison
Stage2 : 35 board 40 nail 3 poison
Stage3: 5 poison 30 cable 10 amethyst
Prizes: 1x medaillion, teddy gear metal arrow candle camomile --- Prize interval 1hr
2 Amethyst + 3 super-flower = 1 scroll
House of love 3 stages
Stage1 : 3 scroll 25 water 15 ropes
Stage2 : 10 Aquamarine 30 nails 5 scroll
Stage3 : 10 tile 10 scroll 15 aquamarine
Prizes: 1x arrow, candle camomile medaillion teddy --- prize interval 1hr
1 Emerald + 1 Horseshoe = 1 Silver
Pier To the big land 2 Stages
Stage1 : 20 Palm logs 20 Black marble 10 Board
Stage2 : 15 Amethyst 8 Ropes 25 Bamboo
Goes to the big land
Cupid 2 Stages
Stage1 : 45 White marble 60 water 5 gold petal
Stage2 : 35 love 5 vase 3 silver
Prizes: books glue 50XP coins --- prize interval 3hr
Water Well 1 stage
25 Bat 30 stones 20 cone
First gives 100x Tools.
Love heart 1 stage
Stage1: 30 love 15 horseshoe 15 nail
Gives Tools or love 21x