The Diamond Eye is a building unlocked at level 13. It has 3 stages to build. It costs 80,000 coins.
1st stage:
- 20 Palm Logs
- 15 Cable (Crypt)
- 25 Black Marble
2nd stage:
- 10 Gold Petal (University)
- 5 Light (Library)
- 15 Cement (Mill)
3rd Stage:
- 20 Aquamarine
- 10 Bricks (Villa)
- 5 Polystyrene (Business Center)
Treasure Loot[]
This data is not particularly accurate, but should give a good indicator of what to expect. Building it to stage 2 and transforming it would reward stage 0, then stage 1, then stage 2, and then it would be done. (Tested with stage 0, 1, and 3). Note that since stage 0 rewards gold, the cost of 80k is partially refunded.
Stage 0[]
~750 exp ~10k gold
Stage 1[]
50 common Collection Items
Stage 2[]
~20 Iron Heart, Transformers etc.
Stage 3[]
~750 exp ~30 Stars 30 Super Swords